Background Checks & Screening Services

Our background Checks division, emerged in the back of its sister company Sebetsa Staffing Solutions which offered the background checks solutions but realized a need to grow and enjoy true collaboration with customers in the field of Background Checks. Our solutions offer you the most complete background information available to make informed decisions. We help our clients assess, mitigate the risks associated with employee hiring practices and support their initiatives to create a safe and productive work environment.

We provide cost-effective and comprehensive screening solutions that extend into every aspect of Pre & Post Employment Screening. In many respects our screening solutions offered is very similar to what is offered by some very large firms with one major difference – the cost to our customers.

As veterans in the recruitment field, we will provide you with real answers to your pressing questions including highlighting aspects of background checks that may prove problematic in hiring a particular candidate through our in-depth background checking process.

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